MyJump.Com was
created as a way for us to share our favorite bookmarks with our friends
and extended family. It's evolved into a fairly large directory of
hand picked sites listed categorically and alphabetically.
Our goal is not
to index millions of pages or provide a comprehensive map of the Internet
- AltaVista already does a
pretty good job of this and ZenSearch
is our version of an honest to goodness search engine. Intead MyJump
provides hand picked sites in a variety of topics that one might be
interested in.
Links are included
because we like them, there is no other criteria :^> Of course
this is very subjective but it is also an excellent way to avoid spammers
and other binary flotsam and jetsam.
Thanks for taking
the time to visit our site, if you have any questions, comments, etc.
please send them to