Soap Operas
- NetForum - Message Replies
- NetForum - Message Replies Forum: TV Talk Topic: The Young & the Restless Topic Posted by: Lorraine Eger (beger@cadvision.com ) Date Posted: Tue Jul 2 15:55:53 EDT 1996 Original Message: Posted by: Donna (n/a ) Organization:n/a Date posted: Thu Aug.
- SoapCity: Starchat
- The Young & The Restless - Y&R Chat Book - discuss and chat y&r soap!
- with news, message boards, Pokemon yellow information, and more.
- SoapWeb
- Prime Time Soaps Chat
- the popular prime time soaps. Chat about your favorite show right after it airs. Java Chat.
- Columbia Tristar: Days of our Lives
official site featuring daily, weekly and yearly updates, live chats and events, character family trees, and behind the scenes news.