- PlanetQuake.com
- A great big Planet, and it's all about sports games. If you think I'm kidding, just give the new SportPlanet a look and you'll see an amazing array of games treated like gold in this brand new Planet.
- Quake Stomping Grounds
- Web-based services for hardcore gamers. Currently allows you to give your machine (server) a name in the stomped.com domain.
- Alexei Ramone's Quake Fonts Page
- Welcome to my Quake Fonts Page! I hope you'll find what you were looking for. I was looking for stuff about Quake and the most difficult thing I found were Quake-related fonts.
- Byron McCoy's Ultimate Quake Connection
- to the Ultimate Quake Connection. Following are some of the greatest links to Quake pages dealing with Files, Quake Download, ID Software the makers of QUAKE, and ping servers.
- Quake Zone
- Welcome to Quake Zone.Now the Quake2 Console Commands page is up so check it out. If you would like to submit a skin for the q2skins archive click here.
- ChemicalX's Quake Page
- Yes people FINALY I have finished "Aikenn" my latest map is now done. I didn't work on it for some time and droped it compleatly for a wile, but yes after a wile I did finish it. Hope you enjoy it.
- NiNe's Rendition Quake Workshop
- The purpose of this page is to help all those Quake-players out there who are lucky enough to own Rendition Vérité-based cards.