- American Museum of Natural History
- collections include more than 30 million items; dinosaur fossils, a 63 foot-long canoe carved by the Haida Indians, a slice of a giant sequoia tree, the costume of an African spirit dancer.
- Baltimore Museum of Industry
- If you are interested in the history of work in Baltimore, then this is the place for you. If you think this subject is boring, we will prove you wrong! There is information here about airplanes, cars, civil rights, space exploration, and how things are made.
- Museum of African American History
- The Charles H. Wright Museum of African American History in Detroit, Michigan is dedicated to the preservation and presentation of African and African American history and culture.
- Moscow Kremlin Museum
- National Museum of Funeral History
- The National Museum of Funeral History was founded not only for the purpose of preserving historical artifacts from the 19th and 20th centuries, but more importantly to encourage public education and enlightenment of our country's proud heritage of funeral service.
- Migration Museum of South Australia
- share a journey through South Australia's settlement past which continues to shape its multicultural society.
- Museo de la Ciudad de Mexico
- Fundado en 1960, el Museo de la Ciudad de México tiene la vocación de acercar al visitante al pasado y al presente cultural de la ciudad de México; esto es a través de la colección permanente, exposiciones temporales, publicaciones y programas educativos e interactivos.