- Mens Fitness Online
Online edition of Men's Fitness magazine explores health, sports, sex and more.
- The Fitness Zone
Featuring an on-line health and fitness magazine, a nation-wide gym and health-club locator, a fitness library, a personal
fitness profiler and a selection of fitness equipment.
- Fitness Link
Complete fitness resource including top fitness stories, fitness resources, and a fitness forum to
discuss the latest news.
- Duke University Diet and Fitness Center
The Duke University Diet & Fitness Center, which offers the only University-based program of its kind, was founded over
20 years ago to help people live healthier, fuller lives.
- Bally Total Fitness health club
Bally Total Fitness is the largest commercial operator of
fitness health clubs.
- Shape Up America
The latest information about physical fitness by former Surgeon General Dr. C. Everett Koop.
- Health and Fitness Worldwide
- The official web site of the
Online magazine for Health & Fitness: Features include, strength training, cardiovascular exercise and nutrition.