Animation Art
- 3 Guys Who Draw
- The world wide federation of cartoonists who live close enough to go out for coffee.
- Byrnes, Pat
- Thank you for visiting my Cartoon Gallery. Please enjoy your visit, but do not touch the artwork.
- Jackson, Tim
- View selected editorial, social commentary, educational & comic strips created by Chicago-based Cartoonist,
- Katzman, Larry
- Laughter is the best medicine and Kaz cartoons are one of the world's most effective remedies. Over three million copies of his Nellie Nifty, RN book collections and greeting cards in five languages have helped people get well sooner.
- Brown, Evert
- a world famous Animation Director who has directed TV specials and international commercials, animated and designed for feature length films and commercials
- Hanlin, Heath
- experimental computer animation and interactive art, including vrml and video art
- Goedert, Kristin
- Strong ability to conceptualize 3D shapes in a virtual environment Ability to effectively organize processes and utilize various digital tools in the creation of 3D objects Strong understanding of principles of movement and ability to apply them in various animation contexts Strong digital drawing and sculpting skills